LINDA ONG — Lunarin

I am the bass player of Singapore band Lunarin. I have been playing the bass since 1997, when I started my first band Fuzzbox. We disbanded Fuzzbox in 2003 and started Lunarin that same year. I have been playing bass ever since.

I have no music background. I did not go for any formal music lessons. I can't read notes, I don't know keys or time signature. Everything is through gut feel and playing by ear. I have always played with a pick because my earliest bass hero, Kim Gordon, played with one, and I have never learnt to play finger style as a consequence. When I got into heavier styles of music in the later part of my playing, Tool's Justin Chancellor was another big influence and he played with a pick too! So I think my sound is very much shaped by the fact that I play with a pick - sharp, punchy and to the point. I don't really have a warm up routine or favourite guitar exercises to be honest - being the noob that I am! - I really just play the songs and after a few rounds I get sufficiently warmed up.    

I started with a cheap Samick bass which replicated the Fender P bass - got it back in 1995. I then changed to a puke green Ibanez, then upgraded to an Ibanez with Bartolini pickups. I finally then settled on my dream bass - Gibson Thunderbird, which I have 2, one black and one white. I changed out and replaced both with active pickups. Over the years the black T bird has retired so I only use the white one now.

I used to have a pedal board with a Sansamp, bass EQ and a Rat Distortion pedal. For our first album I also used a bass wah but have stopped that since. Presently though, since we are no longer playing live, I just plug in to my Demeter preamp. Easy peasy!

Daniel Sassoon was my senior in law school and one of the best guitar players I have ever met, truly. We had a few jam sessions together back in the day and I was so stressed out and awed by his playing I fumbled my own. He plays every style and does all so well. A special shout-out should also go to my own guitarist, Kah Wye. I have been playing with him for almost 30 years now. One of my best friends and the only person I can rely on to bounce off ideas and work on riffs together. He knows immediately where I am coming from when I come up with a musical idea and has such an influence on my bass playing and the bass lines that I write. Can I also mention Ginette Chittick? Back when we were younger people would lump us together as the girls who play bass etc. It seems as though we were just a novelty factor then. Fast forward now so many years later and we haven't given up on music despite shouldering on other commitments. I really find Ginette's continued involvement in the arts so inspiring and am so honoured to be a part of a generation of people like her who continue to be dynamic and progressive in their own way. Kudos.
My white t bird. She will be our last bass because I don’t plan to get another.